Dreamland Investigators

Full Version: New Policy on Racism
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We've seen a lot of racist trolls joining the forum lately, so I would like to clarify our rules a little. Currently, Rule 4 says "Be respectful. Don't use curses, slurs, or personal insults against others." I will be updating it so everyone knows this applies especially to bias and discrimination! Here is our new Rule 4:
Be respectful of everyone, even if they are different from you. Don't use curses, slurs, personal insults, or bigoted and biased language. Don't apply racist or sexist stereotypes to anyone. We do not tolerate bigotry on this forum.
(I know I don't usually mod much, but this is important so I wanted to get it out there. I'll leave this thread open for discussion if anyone has any questions!)
whaaaat? Cant u just ban the trolls??? why do we need a whole rule for that
I agree. I'm not racist, but is this really important? You're starting to sound like Superluminal, Axelotl...
Good job Axelotl!!! *applauds* And if you don't think this rule is important, well look at the whole Internet
Are we in trouble??? :S
Pffff I agree this sounds like something Superluminal would do XD
Thank you Axelotl!!! *stands and cheers* the internet is (surprising no one) continuing its descent into hell; it's really refreshing to see people trying to keep spaces safe for us online!!!!! Don't poke fun at Axelotl for making rules they're there so that this forum doesnt become awful, like the Awoken!!!
Excellent choice, Axelotl. If anyone doesn't think this rule is important, look up Scientific American's article "The Implicit Prejudice." Here's my favorite quote from it:
"Even in people with genuinely egalitarian views, Banaji and her colleagues find that bias is ordinary and ingrained and remains active outside our awareness." In order to combat your biases, you need to be aware of them, so I'm definitely in support of this.
Thanks NI and Choose for the articles! Everyone who is confused, please do read "Even on mute, TV can perpetuate racial bias" from National Geographic and "The Implicit Prejudice" from Scientific American, as NI and Choose shared. I think it might help you understand!
Hm... okay I will read the articles
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