I have saved a copy of NI's final thread
here. I don't take what happened lightly, and as such the site has been password protected. I will only be allowing true fans and community members to access this site. The password can be found by completing the following crossword puzzle if you already have knowledge of the show. Should be difficult, since we all know most of the forum threads you could find this information on have since been deleted. This is obviously not my real account. I will not be posting again with this account or responding to comments on this thread.
(Image removed -Superluminal)
I don't know who made this sock puppet account, but if I find out your main account WILL be banned. This is unacceptable behavior as everyone knows full well that this topic is off limits for discussion. For now I will be removing your ridiculous puzzle. If anyone else even THINKS about pulling another stunt like this, they will be banned.
Wow, I was able to snag a copy of the image before it got deleted but dang did you have to make it so difficult? How the heck am I supposed to know digestive tract linings without looking up answers, as you so pompously admonished us from doing? What even are yser and cisc????? Oh, and you misspelled cozy. You were really grasping at straws here weren't you
In OP's defense, it's a valid british spelling
And the maturity of it all too....
For someone trying to be so pretentious... *looks at 21A*
Alright, that's enough. Locking this thread, should have done it sooner.