You wake up to a sunny morning and hope that it's a good sign. It both is and isn't.
Last night, SL33PY was attacked by a masked assailant while they were walking home from the town meeting. Luckily the medic was also just leaving the meeting, and so they were able to rush SL33PY to the hospital, where they pulled through after giving the nurses a couple of solid scares. As soon as SL33PY is released from the hospital, another town meeting is called. The mood is somber as you all take in the realization that Farmhander wasn't lying and that you all voted to kill an innocent person.
Damn, Superluminal, you got dark with this one! Not that I'm complaining :}
Vote: NoBodE
Thank you to whoever the medic is!! *blows air kisses to the medic* Also is anyone else hella convinced that Choose did it? We all know that they pretty much hate me
Vote: Choose
Hmph, don't flatter yourself, SL33PY. I don't think about you enough to hate you
I don't know, I think SL33PY might be onto something :0
Vote: Choose
I'm with Choose on this one, and am shocked that SL33PY would throw out such baseless accusations *grasps pearls*
Vote: NoBodE
Ghost: Vote: NoBodE (I hope I'm still allowed to vote!)
log2em: Yes. Ghosts can vote in every round.
Ghost: thanks for clearing that up!
Vote: NoBodE