13:30 *** GothKidsRule joined #dreamlandgang
13:30 AnneTSocial *all the lights are off*
13:31 Unicorny *giggles*
13:31 AnneTSocial shhh
13:32 GothKidsRule ... Hello?
13:32 AnneTSocial SURPRISE!!
13:32 GothKidsRule !!!!
13:33 Unicorny Happy Birthday!
13:33 GothKidsRule Aww thank u guys
13:33 GothKidsRule My bday was yesterday though
13:35 AnneTSocial welp
20:47 DwarfNebula wanna hear my superluminal impression
20:47 AnneTSocial Absolutely
20:47 DwarfNebula "I'm in charge and you have to be nice to me ALL THE TIME"
20:48 AnneTSocial Off topic. Locked.
18:15 *** MadameFour joined #dreamlandgang
18:15 AnneTSocial The Madame herself has arrived!
18:15 MadameFour *waves to the crowd*
18:15 AnneTSocial *showers you in rose petals*
18:15 DwarfNebula *bows down*
18:15 *** RussellTheDragon joined #dreamlandgang
18:16 RussellTheDragon oh oops wrong username!
18:16 *** RussellTheDragon is now known as SL33PY
18:16 SL33PY there we go ^_^
18:16 AnneTSocial You missed Madame's arrival haha
18:16 SL33PY oh no!
18:16 SL33PY please forgive me
18:17 MadameFour You are Forgiven
18:17 DwarfNebula ok so down to business
18:17 DwarfNebula Ethan and Russell or Ethan and Amari?
18:17 AnneTSocial Why would you make me chooose???
18:17 MadameFour Russethan. Not even a difficult choice *rolls eyes*
18:17 SL33PY I maintain that Ethan has time for both of them. The boy needs more love in
his life anyways
18:18 AnneTSocial *rolls eyes* we've been over this not everyone is an ethan/everyone
shipper like you
18:18 DwarfNebula Anyways you're all wrong. It's Ethan/Amari
18:19 MadameFour The disrespect of you even saying that to me.
18:19 DwarfNebula Clearly you guys don't even appreciate the change in their dynamic over
the course of the series *sighs* obviously they've had the character
growth so they would go together way better than E/R
18:19 AnneTSocial Lmao nerd
18:19 MadameFour Ok if we're gonna talk about "changes in dynamics" Russell clearly
cared more about Ethan in episode nine than Amari. How's that for a
change in dynamic?
18:20 AnneTSocial *sprays both of you with a little waterbottle like a couple of cats* no
18:20 MadameFour *hisses back at you*
18:20 DwarfNebula *meows and shrinks away from the Madame*
18:20 AnneTSocial Ohhh you got attacked?? Poor kitty *pets you*
18:20 DwarfNebula *purrs*
18:21 SL33PY Okay now this got weird